Levi Sweeney started Bolo Studios to do one thing: To make something new.

It all started when Levi Sweeney looked around, and realized that the world was saturated with fantasy literature. There were all sorts of fantasy novels and books, but one got the impression, based on everything from the book covers to the commentary of fantasy literature podcasters, that they were all basically the same. Sure, Jim Butcher is very different from George R. R. Martin, but Levi still felt that, on a foundational level, nobody was doing anything new in the fantasy genre.

So Levi put on his thinking cap. Levi realized that perhaps the reason hardly anything new and original was being done in the fantasy genre was because all of the new fantasy stories being made in 2024 were confined to the realm of literature. Levi reasoned that, perhaps, the key to doing something new in fantasy was to tell fantasy stories in a different medium.

So Levi Sweeney decided to make audio dramas.

Levi gave himself a crash course in audio drama. He read almost a dozen books on the topic, and scoured the internet for articles, blog posts, and YouTube videos talking about the art and craft of the radio play. He attended audio drama workshops and talked to old hands for hours. He also listened to a lot of radio plays, old and new, and drew upon a childhood spent listening to the one radio drama still thriving in the twenty-first century, Adventures in Odyssey from Focus on the Family.

Once Levi had finished his intense self-education, he got to work. He wrote his first original radio play script, figured out how to produce it using AI tools, and taught himself how to use audio editing software.

And now, Levi is ready to share his work with the world.

Bolo Studios, under the leadership of Levi Sweeny, is in the business of creating new, original fantasy audio dramas which will delight listeners of all ages. It is our goal to help families with children to forge bonds between generations with a shared listening experience.

C.S. Lewis once said,

“A children’s story which can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story at all.”

Levi has taken that advice to heart, producing stories which are solidly G-rated, but which will appeal to mom and dad as well as the kids.

Check us out on your favorite streaming platforms.